Make your summer healthier - With fun loving ‘supa corn’
How to kill summers-
Braving and bearing the brunt of summers can be quite challenging. From health to skin and hair, maintaining all can certainly be daunting. Corn is one such wonder crop that can get us rid of most of our probable nightmares this summer.
Good for digestion- During summers it is ideal to consume foods that are light on stomach. Corn is high on fiber which facilitates proper digestion warding off numerous digestive problems including constipation.
Reduce risk of hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer: The fiber content of one cup of corn amounts to 18.4% of the daily recommended amount. This aids in alleviating digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as lowering the risk of colon cancer due to corn being a whole-grain. Fiber has long been promoted as a way to reduce colon risk, but insufficient and conflicting data exists for fiber’s relationship with preventing cancer, although whole-grain consumption, on the whole, has been proven to reduce that risk.
Keep body energetic- One tends to lose a lot of essential bodily fluids during summers and in that situation the energy levels take a dip as well. Corn is full of starch, water content and is high in carbohydrates which provides for long term energy. This is particularly beneficial for athletes as they require more carbs to optimize their performance.
Keeps your skin Glowing: The scorching heat and the play of dry spells of weather can cause immense damage to skin and hair. Take a sigh of relief as corn is a one stop solution for all your skin and hair woes. It is a good source of vitamin C, thiamin, niacin, vitamin E and other minerals and antioxidants that are essential for skin care. It contains lycopene which fights against UV rays and assists in the increased production of collagen that ensures radiantly smooth skin.
Repair your hair- summer is supposedly the worst for hair. Hair care and maintenance becomes quite challenging with excess heat, dust and UV rays blazing hot on you everyday. No amount of cosmetics or external application will help unless we eat right. Consumption of corn strengthens hair follicles and speeds up collagen production, thus maintaining smooth and silky hair. Topical use of hot corn oil can help prevent dryness of the scalp and hair loss.